Viruses that have shocked the Internet, Cabir
Cabir (June 2004) was the first network virus which spreads via Bluetooth and infects OS Symbian mob...
Biggest Data Breaches. Yahoo
Yahoo disclosed that a breach in August 2013 by a group of hackers had compromised 1 billion account...
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, Concept
Concept (August 1995) was the first macro virus to infect Microsoft Word documents. It was in 1995 t...
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, Win95.CIH
In June 1998, a virus called Win95.CIH of Taiwanese origin was discovered, which was built on such a...
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, Jerusalem
The most popular modification of the Suriv family of resident file viruses was a virus called Jerusa...
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, Chameleon
Chameleon (early 1990) –is the first polymorphic virus. Its author, Mark Washburn, took data from th...
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, Elk Cloner
In the 1980s in the United States, during the widespread computer redesign, Apple II desk devices we...
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, Virdem
In 1986, the German programmer Ralf Burger discovered the possibility of creating copies of his prog...
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, Creeper
The first Creeper network virus appeared in the early 70s on the Arpanet military computer network,...