24 Aug 2020
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, Gauss
Gauss virus is a complex system of cyber espionage tools. It has a modular structure և provides remo...
17 Aug 2020
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, Cabir
Cabir (June 2004) was the first network virus which spreads via Bluetooth and infects OS Symbian mob...
20 Jul 2020
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, Virdem
In 1986, the German programmer Ralf Burger discovered the possibility of creating copies of his prog...
11 Jul 2020
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, Creeper
The first Creeper network virus appeared in the early 70s on the Arpanet military computer network,...
9 Jul 2020
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, CONFICKER
What did the virus Conficker do appeared in 2008 was unknown. The mystery surrounding it was famous...
2 Jul 2020
Viruses that have shocked the Internet,CODE RED
The viruses of the Code Red family were very dangerous. The user was not required to perform an oper...
2 Jul 2020
Viruses that have shocked the Internet,MORRIS
The computer virus «Morris» was created for testing," said Robert Tappan Morris, a graduate student...
25 Jun 2020
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, MELISSA
Melissa was a new e-mail virus. It was the first to be sent via attached email letter. It was also t...
22 Jun 2020
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, SASSER
The Sasser virus was devastating when it went viral on the Internet in 2004. His targets were the Br...