3 Jul 2020
Why is patch management important?
Lack of patch management process in organizations opens the window for various attack vectors result...
2 Jul 2020
Viruses that have shocked the Internet,MORRIS
The computer virus «Morris» was created for testing," said Robert Tappan Morris, a graduate student...
25 Jun 2020
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, MELISSA
Melissa was a new e-mail virus. It was the first to be sent via attached email letter. It was also t...
22 Jun 2020
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, SASSER
The Sasser virus was devastating when it went viral on the Internet in 2004. His targets were the Br...
9 Jun 2020
Viruses that have shocked the Internet, I LOVE YOU
The I LOVE YOU virus was sent to users in the form of a heart. It was expected that users would take...
26 May 2020
Cyber security
Do you use personal data in your business processes